Biopolym. Cell. 2024; 40(3):219-219.
Chronicle and Information
Realistic assortment of novel metagenomics benchmarks with diverse biological and technological characteristics
1Sharma N. K., 1Chhugani K., 2Munteanu V., 3, 4Skums P., 3Zelikovsky A., 1Mangul S.
  1. University of Southern California
    Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90007
  2. Technical University of Moldova
    168, Stefan cel Mare Blvd., Chisinau, Republic ofMoldova, MD–2004
  3. Georgia State University
    Atlanta, GA, USA, 30302,
  4. University of Connecticut
    352, Mansfield Rd., Storrs, CT, USA, 06269


Aim. To address the scarcity of high–quality experimental benchmarks in metagenomics by developing a cost–effective, semi–real benchmark generation tool, MetaWiz, which can modify existing experimental data to create diverse and realistic metagenomic benchmarks. Conclusions. MetaWiz offers a cost–effective solution to the challenge of generating high–quality benchmarks in metagenomics. The tool's ability to create semi–real benchmarks from existing experimental data maintains crucial technological and biological aspects, providing advantages over purely computational simulations. This approach can be extended beyond viral sequences to various sequencing data, enhancing the comprehensiveness of metagenomics benchmarking studies across different biological contexts.
Keywords: metagenomics, benchmark generation, MetaWiz, microbial genomes, error correction