Biopolym. Cell. 2024; 40(3):215-215.
Chronicle and Information
Discovery of potent anti–tuberculosis agents targeting aminoacyl–tRNA synthetases
1Volynets G. P., 2Starosyla S. A., 1Bdzhola V. G., 1Yarmoluk S. M., 1Tukalo M. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143
    Boston, MA, USA


Aim. The aim of our study was to develop small–molecular inhibitors of M. tuberculosis LeuRS with antibacterial activity. Conclusions. Using in silico approaches we identified several chemical classes of inhibitors targeting M. tuberculosis LeuRS and MetRS with IC50 values in micromolar concentration range. It was found that the most promising compounds which possess antibacterial activity belong to N–benzylidene–N’–thiazol–2–yl–hydrazine derivatives. Therefore, the compounds in this class can be valuable for further biological research and optimization.
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leucyl–tRNA synthetase, methionyl–tRNA synthetase, inhibitor