Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(6):69-74.
The effects of myocardial ischemia on the aggregate state of rabbit liver aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and tRNA methyltransferases
- Kaunas Medical Academy
Mizkevicha Str. 9, Kaunas, Lithuania, 44307 - Vilnius University, Institute of Biochemistry
12, Mokslininku Str., Vilnius, Lithuania, 08662
The activities of aminoacyl-lRNA synthetases and tRNA methyltransferases in postribosomal extracts from normal rabbit liver and 12 hr after experimental myocardial ischemia (EMI), as well as their distribution between high-molecular-mass complexes and free enzymes fractions, have been compared. An increase in the activity of glutamyl-, glycyl-, leucyl-, lysyl- and seryl-tRNA synthetases by 12–44 % has been determined under EMI. The total tRNA methyltransferase activity is increased up to 47 %. In the case of EMI among the methylated products of submethylated tRNA the contents of m1A, m5C, m 5U, O-m-R are decreased, and the content of m7G is increased Gel chromatography of the postribosomal extract on a Sephadex G-200 column shows that aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA-methyltransferase activities are distributed between the high-molecular-mass complex (Mr > 1·106 Daltons) and fractions of lower molecular mass complexes and free enzymes. In the of EMI aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA methyltransferase activiteis are partly redistributed from the high-molecular-mass complex into th elowel molecular mass fraction, what may be related to the alteration of protein biosynthesis in liver under myocardial ischemia
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