Biopolymers and Cell ISSN 0233-7657 (print); 1993-6842 (on-line), Biopolym. Cell is an open access peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original contributions in molecular biology and related areas:
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The journal was founded in 1985 as Since 2022 Biopolym. Cell is issued quartelly, one volume per year, and contains the following sections:
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The format of Biopolym. Cell corresponds to the international standards. Since 2014 the articles are accepted and published in English. Biopolymers and Cell Editorial Board members is composed of prominent international scientists. Biopolymers and cell is indexed and/or abstracted in Scopus,
SJR (2023 – 0.171), CiteScore (2023 – 1.1), SNIP (2023 – 0.214),
Cites per Doc. (2y) = 0.341 (it is computed using the same formula that journal impact factor TM(Thomson Reuters)),
"Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" the Vernadsky National Library,
BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts,
CrossRef (all articles have DOI,
journal participates in Cited-by-linking), EBSCO ,
HINARI, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, referative journals "Dzherelo" (Ukraine), Medical Journal Links. |