Biopolym. Cell. 1991; 7(1):94-100.
Cell Biology
Identification and functional characteristic of snail lectin receptors on the surface of neuroblastoma C 1300 N 18 Cells
1Tsegelsky A. A., 1Mykityuk R. G., 1Lutsik M. D.
  1. Division of Cell Regulatory Systems of O.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    14/16, Drahomanov Str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79005


The expression and chemical composition of receptors to garden snail lectin (terminal residues of N-acetyl-galactoscamine) on the surface of neuroblastoma C 1300 N 18 cells have been investigated using cytochemical and electorphoretic technique. Receptors are mainly represented by membrane glycoproteins (m. w. 33, 90 and 150 KDa), containing carbohydrate chains of N-type, and to a lesser extent by glycolipids. Receptors were localized on the cell surface as well as in microvilli. The lectin-receptor complexes were subjected to aggregation and endocytosis during 60 minutes, which resulted in rapid decrease of resetting ability with A group red blood cells.


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