Biopolym. Cell. 1990; 6(2):76-80.
Transfer of human preproinsulin gene into streptozotocin diabetic rats
1Titok T. G., 1Kostetsky I. E., 2Chaikovskaya T. L., 1Kochubej T. P., 1Zharova L. G., 1Kirilenko S. D., 2Melnik I. M., 2Silvanskaya E. M., 1Buzhievskaya T. I., 1Kordium V. A.
- Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
Kiev, USSR - Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ministry of Public Health of the Ukrainian SSR
Kiev, USSR
Recombinans plasmid encapsulated in liposomes containing DNA sequences of human preproinsulin gene (pAINS) was injected into the liver of streptozotocin diabetic rats. The injection of pAINS decreased glycemia level and increased immunoreactive blood product concentration. Maximal effect was detected 6—8 h after injection, and insulin concentration returned to their initial levels after injection.
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