Biopolym. Cell. 2024; 40(3):189-189.
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Hepatoprotective and metabiotic correction and its effect on the content of free fatty acid in rats with experimental toxic liver injury
1Didenko V. I., 1Halinskyi O. O., 1Klenina I. A., 1Gaidar Yu. A., 1Halinska A. M.
  1. Institute Gastroenterology of the NAMS of Ukraine
    96, Slobozhanskyi Ave., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49074


Aim. To evaluate morphological and biochemical changes in the liver of rats with toxic hepatitis (TH) without and after drug correction. Conclusions. It was established that the consumption of both methadoxin and metabiotics in the post–toxic period caused a decrease in hepatocyte degeneration. TG, regardless of the correction method, was characterized by an increase in the level of PUFA. Under the influence of methadoxin, the concentration of MUFA decreased more than in the group receiving metabiotics.
Keywords: tetrachloromethane, hepatobioptates, monounsaturated free fatty acids, rats