Biopolym. Cell. 2018; 34(1):72-81.
Tumors and biofilms: too much coincidences to be casual
1Verevka S. V., 1Voroshylova N. M.
  1. State institution “O. S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology Of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
    3, Zoologichna, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000


The existence of the majority of microorganisms in the form of three-dimensional associates on the phase interface proves the significant survivable advantages of such form of life at compare with monocellular planktonic ones. These advantages provided to biofilms a place of the most widely distributed form of life if not the dominative one. There is a strong similarity in properties of biofilms and malignant tumors that promotes considering the latter as some kind of biofilms. Such point of view facilitates understanding some features of carcinogenesis as well as the grounds for perspective directions in the prevention of metastases.
Keywords: biofilms, carcinogenesis, metastasis


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