Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(5)
Chronicle and Information
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Breus O. S., Nemazanyy I. O., Gout I. T., Filonenko V. V., Panasyuk G. G.
Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(5):384-389.
Molecular Biophysics
Kharkyanen V. N., Yesylevskyy S. O., Berezetskaya N. M., Boiteux C., Ramseyer Ch.
Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(5):390-397.
Tokovenko B. T., Dragushchenko O. O., Kuklin A. V., Obolenskaya M. Yu.
Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(5):398-402.
Short Communications
Nikolaienko O. V., Skrypkina I. Ya., Tsyba L. O., Drobot L. B., Rynditch A. V.
Biopolym. Cell. 2009; 25(5):424-427.