Biopolym. Cell. 1996; 12(2):62-67.
Genome and Its Regulation
Production of stress proteins in mechanism of forming of secondary radioresistance of rat cells of Geren carcinoma
1Zinchenko V. A., 1Osipova L. A., 1Baraboy V. A.
  1. Ukrainian Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Ministry of Health of Ukraine
    33/43, Lomonosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 252022


Influence of ionizing radiation at a dose of 8 Gy induces the expression of stress proteins (SP) 47,69/70, 80/82,107 and 140/150 kDa in rat cells of Geren carcinoma. T fie latter protein is not expressing under the other conditions. As far as forming of secondary acquired radioresistance (course of radiation 50 Gy alternated with innoculation) protein 140/150 is being detected not only after testing radiation but becomes constitutive.


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