Participation of calcium ions in the process of mycelial dimorphism of Theielavia terrestris
Calcium ions are the intermediates between signals of external medium and cells' reaction. The influence of different salts of calcium on the morphogenesis of T. terrestris was studied. It was shown that different concentrations of CaCl2, CaSO4, CaCO3, Ca(NO3)2 and Ca(CH3COO)2 didn't change diffuse form of fungus. However, 15 mM of CaCCl2 and 10 mM of CaSO4 and higher concentrations of these salts switched over pellets growth to the diffuse one. The process was observed after CaCl2 adding lag-phase of growth being sensitive to morphogenic signal. Morphogenic action of calcium ions was confirmed by the experiments with usingof veropamil. On the basis of obtained with chlorpromasin data the calmodulin participation in this process is discussed. The calcium ions effect by means ofadenylate system on morphogenetical program of T. terrestris development is supposed.References
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