Tissue specificity of peptide extracts which were obtained from different organs and immunoregulative, influence of peptide kidney extract
Extracts from parenchimal organs (spleen, kidney, liver), endocrin glands (thymus, pancreas) and periodont were investigated by high perfomance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analysis of these chromatogramms has found out important similarity of the chromatographic spectra into determined groups. It can be possible that the synthesis of studied peptides is connected with specific for each organ or tissue stages of protein structures proteolitic processing. Pool sequence analysis of kidney peptide extract has determined the structure of peptide-analog: in 1 position –undetermined amino acid, in 2 – glutamic or aspartic acids, in 3 – lysine, in 4 – aspartic acid, in 5 – undetermined amino acid, in 6 – argi-nine. Kidney peptide extract was separated on 115–120 fractions by HPLC. The peptide fractions has inhibiting properties on ConA-induced mice spleenocytes proliferation (up to 55 %). More hydrophylic fractions are inhibited and more hydrophobic ones are stimulated proliferative response. Unfortunately, unclear dosis-dependcd actions were discovered. This results testify the existence of the cell function organ regulation by peptide molecules which executes proliferation, differentiation and cooperation between immunocytes and special parenchim cells.References
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