Results on complex treatment of patients with glial tumors of brain with local chemotherapy
glial tumors, local chemotherapy, methotrexate, polymeric filmAbstract
Aim. For the purpose of local chemotherapy in patients with malignant brain tumors after partial or total removal of tumors we used biodegradable film with methotrexate. The film, due to its properties, is firmly attached to the wound surface. With its composition of chemotherapeutic agents over specified time, the dosed film immediately affects diseased tissue, playing the role of a local chemotherapy depo. Methods. Results of treatment of 74 patients with low differentiated gliomas of the brain, which have undergone a comprehensive treatment that includes surgical removal of tumor and implantation of methotrexate depo in the wall of postoperative cerebral injury followed by radiotherapy in the pig on a bed of the tumor removed. Results. A retrospective analysis of the results of complex treatment of patients with glial brain tumors with local chemotherapy showed a significant increase in disease-free period in patients who have undergone, consistently, surgery, chemotherapy and adjuvant local radiation therapy. Conclusions. Our research has shown that the use of local chemotherapy greatly improves the results of treatment of patients not only for total removal of intracerebral tumors, but also for subtotal removal, as well as in patients with prolonged tumor growth, when there is no possibility of radiation treatment.References
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