Cytogenetical variability of cotton callus tissue cells


  • O. Ya. Vesmanova Institute of Experimental Biology of Plants, Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Tashkent, USSR Author
  • S. N. Zueva Institute of Experimental Biology of Plants, Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Tashkent, USSR Author
  • A.-K. E. Ergashiev Institute of Experimental Biology of Plants, Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Tashkent, USSR Author



The cytogenetical peculiarities of Gossypium arboreum L. hypocotyle callus are studied during prolonged cultivation (in 16 passages). It can be seen, that callus tissue of this cotton species is presented as homogenous cell population with some differentiated sites. Prolonged passing of the tissue is shown to result in true increase of aberrating cells percent. Chromatide and chromosome aberrations are revealed in disturbance spectrum. Cotton tissue in vitro is characterised by a significant genetic heterogeneity, while during prolonged cultivation there are qualitative changes of chromosome number spectrum.


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Cell Biology