Protein-DNA complexes: specificity and DNA readout mechanisms


  • O. P. Boryskina O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine 12, Akademika Proskury Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085 Author
  • M. Yu. Tkachenko O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine 12, Akademika Proskury Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085 Author
  • A. V. Shestopalova O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine 12, Akademika Proskury Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61085 Author



protein-nucleic acid complexes, specificity of protein-nucleic acid interaction, mechanisms of direct and indirect readout


Protein-nucleic acid recognition is essential in a number of cellular processes, in particular, gene regulation, DNA replication and compaction. Studies on the recognition mechanisms show that DNA sequence carries information which is read out by proteins that selectively bind to specific DNA sites. The review is focused on the processes taking place during formation of specific and nonspecific complexes of proteins and DNA. Special attention is paid to direct and indirect mechanisms of sequence-specific recognition. Several examples of protein-nucleic acid complexes are given to illustrate the variety of recognition mechanisms


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