Genome variability of some Gentiana L. species in nature and in culture in vitro: RAPD-analysis
genome variability, <em>Gentiana</em> L. species, plant tissue culture, intraspecies, somaclonal variation, RAPD-PCRAbstract
Aim. Investigation of intraspecies and somaclonal variability of G. acaulis, G. cruciata and G. punctata. Methods. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR), gel-electrophoresis. Results. It was established a species specificity for indicators of gentians genetic heterogeneity – the proportion of polymorphic amplicons and genetic distances. A level of intraspecies variation decreased in the direction of G. acaulis > G. punctata > G. cruciata. Changes in gentians tissue culture by the proportion of polymorphic amplicons were shown to vary within the range of 10–15 % and failed to extend beyond the intraspecies variation. Conclusions. Genome variation of G. acaulis, G. cruciata and G. punctata was studied through the use of RAPD-PCR. The gentians were found to be characterized by different variability in both nature and culture in vitro. In the tissue culture there were discovered considerably smaller number changes as compared to intraspecies variation.References
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