The interaction of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with DNA-duplexes containing repeats. The influence of the nucleotides' sequence


  • O. N. Koroleva M. V. Lomonosov State University Moscow, USSR Author
  • V. L. Drutsa M. V. Lomonosov State University Moscow, USSR Author
  • Z. A. Shabarova M. V. Lomonosov State University Moscow, USSR Author



The chemical-enzymatic synthesis of DNA-duplexes d(pCATTATAATG)n (I), d(pGATTATAATC)n (II), d(pCTTTATAAAG)n (III), d(pCATTTAAATG)n (IV), d(pCAATATATTG)n (V), d(pCATAATTATG)n (VI) (n= 104-20), containing repeats of the sequences completely and partially homologous to the «ideal» Pribnow box (TATAATG) has been carried out. The binding of E. coli RNA polymerase to synthetic DNA duplexes and in vitro transcription of these duplexes have been studied. It has been shown that duplexes I, II and V containing the sequence TATA-T form heparin-resistant Uanscriptionally active complexes with enzyme (the half life is ~ 100-200 min) while duplexes III and IV do not form stable complexes. The pnedominant in vitro transcription initiation sites were revealed within duplexes I, II and VI.


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Structure and Function of Biopolymers