The active oxygen forms production and aggregation of human blood neutrophils under the action of recombinant interleukin-1β


  • G. N. Semenkova Belarusian State University 4, Fr. Scorina Minsk ave., Belarus, 220050 Author
  • E. I. Kovalenko Belarusian State University 4, Fr. Scorina Minsk ave., Belarus, 220050 Author
  • P. P. Murzenok Institute of Physiology, NAS of Belarus 28, Academic Str, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220072 Author
  • S. N. Cherenkevich Belarusian State University 4, Fr. Scorina Minsk ave., Belarus, 220050 Author



The influence of recombinant inierleukin-lβ (rlL-1β) on human blood neutrophils aggregation has been studied. The sharp increase of the rate of spontaneous cell's aggregation under the rlL-1β influence has been established. The observed effect depends on rlL-1β concentration. It has been found that the process of rlL-1β induced aggregation of neutrophils is coupled with the process of active oxygen forms generation by the enzyme systems localized on the plasma membrane surface.


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Cell Biology