Changes in fish blood under the effect of chemical pollution studied by low-temperature 1H-NMR


  • A. S. Goryunov Institute of Biology, Karelian Research center 11, Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russian Federation, 185610 Author
  • G. A. Sukhanova Institute of Biology, Karelian Research center 11, Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russian Federation, 185610 Author
  • A. G. Borisova Institute of Biology, Karelian Research center 11, Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russian Federation, 185610 Author
  • V. S. Sidorov Institute of Biology, Karelian Research center 11, Pushkinskaya Str., Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russian Federation, 185610 Author



A n approach to comparative studies of the changes in blood serum under the effect of internal and external environmental non-specific factors is developed on the basis of low-temperature 1H-NMR. Under investigation were two groups of breams from the zones differing in the degree of pollution with polychlorated biphenyls, or PCB. The hydrationof protein in the sera offish from heavily polluted zones was found to be significantly greater than that of weakly polluted zones. It is shown to be due to the decrease of the total protein concentration, leading to the change in the ratio between ions and protein components of serum. The assumed consequence is the difference in the type of interaction of ions with protein in two groups of bream sera as well as the influence of this interaction on the hvdration and the aeerezation of macromolecules.


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Biopolymers and Cell