Superhelical DNA of polytene chromosomes Chironomus thummi


  • M. A. Shurdov Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Novosibirsk, USSR Author
  • A. D. Gruzdev Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Novosibirsk, USSR Author



The fluorescent micromethod of measurement of DNA superhelical density a in solutions gels o r chromosomes is proposed. EtBr intercalation is used to equalize the EtBr-binding properties of the supercoiled and nicked DNA molecules. The number of 1.84÷1.88 left turns of DNA molecule per nucleosome is estimated from the measured value – σ = 0.094 for the nucleoids of Chironomus thummi polytene chromosomes. Experimental data indicate that about 3÷6 % of DNA in the nucleoids adopts non-canonical forms when – σ>0.06.


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