Rat liver catalase under artificial hypobiosis conditions


  • O. O. Gudkova Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine 9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • N. V. Latyshko Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine 9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • L. V. Gudkova Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine 9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • V. O. Mikhailovsky Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine 9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author




catalase, hypobiosis, carbon dioxide, polyamines


The peculiarities of antioxidant enzyme catalase action in hybernation were studied. In vivo and in vitro assays show that (HCO3 -CO2) activates rat liver catalase. It was determined that between pH 7.2 and 8.5 the enzyme was stable when the carbon concentration was constant. The catalase KM values at norm and hypobiosis are of the same level. Nevertheless, the enzyme kcat and kcat/KM values rise was established under the hypobiosis conditions. This increase relates to a greater biocatalyst efficiency rather than to a higher level of its synthesis.


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