Comparative analysis of histone HI and HI0 structure and properties


  • A. F. Protas National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy 2, Skovorody Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04655 Author



The properties of histones HI and HI0 from rat brain cortex free in solution and in chromatin were studied. Histones HI and HI0 have the constants for quenching of own fluorescence with acrylamide 1,4 M and 2,0 M–1 and the binding constants Kias with 1,8-ANS 14,6 MM u 5,5 MM. Histone HI0 forms high-molecular weight aggregates in solution with NaCl cristals very poorly as well as polymers in chromatin. It is supposed that histone HI0 function in chromatin is realised on a local site.


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