Genetic variation of GLI-B1 locus in ukrainian bread wheat varieties and lines


  • Yu. A. Popovych Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University 2, Dvoryanskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65082 Author
  • O. M. Blagodarova Plant breeding and Genetics Institute, National Centre of Seed and Cultivar Investigation of NAAS Ovidiopol'skaya dor., 3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65036 Author
  • S. V. Chebotar Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University 2, Dvoryanskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65082; Plant breeding and Genetics Institute, National Centre of Seed and Cultivar Investigation of NAAS Ovidiopol'skaya dor., 3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65036 Author



<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L., Gli-B1, gliadins, polymorphism, PCR analysis


Aim. To investigate polymorphism of Gli-B1 locus in modern Ukrainian bread wheat cultivars, to analyze the distribution of alleles and to compare received data with“core-collection of wheat cultivars” presented by Dr. E. Metakovsky. Methods. Eighty one bread wheat cultivars and lines from different plant breeding institutions and stations of Ukraine were tested using allele-specific primers to Gli-B1 locus developed by Zhang et al. [2003]. PCR products were fractionated in polyacrylamide gel (PAG) and then were stained by silver nitrate. Allelic variants of gliadins were analyzed by electrophoresis in acid polyacrylamide gel (APAGE). Results. Nine allelic variants of gliadins were revealed by APAGE and six alleles of Gli-B1 locus were detected by PCR-analysis. In 52 % of modern Ukrainian bread wheat cultivars we revealed Gli-B1b allelic variant, according to PCR - Gli-B1.1 allele with a 360-bp amplification fragment. In the genotypes of Ukrainian wheat cultivars, the 1RS.1BL translocation, which carries resistance genes, is frequent, as was detected by the absence of any amplification fragments with Gli-B1 primers. The correspondence between allelic variants of gliadins and alleles of Gli-B1 locus is discussed. Conclusions. DNA polymorphism of Gli-B1 locus examined in our research coincides with the diversity of allelic variants of gliadins, which were detected by APAGE method for Ukrainian bread wheat cultivar. However, PCR-analysis with applied primers carried out in this study does not distinguish the alleles that correspond to the Gli-B1c, Gli-B1g and Gli-B1e allelic variants of gliadins. The most common allele (52 %) for the investigated Ukrainian wheat varieties is Gli-B1.1 allele, which was characterized by the amplification fragment of 369 bp, and the presence of 1RS.1BL translocation, which corresponds to Gli-B1b and Gli-B1l allelic variants of gliadins obtained by APAGE, respectively.


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Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics