Similarity and dissimilarity of primary structures of some Streptomyces spp. genomes and the Streptomyces globisporus 1912-2 chromosomal DNA.


  • L. V. Polishchuk D. K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine 154, Academika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680 Author



Streptomyces, primary structure, genome, identity, in silico analysis, clade


Aim. To determine the similarity and dissimilarity of the nucleotide sequences of the S. globisporus 1912-2 chromosome and primary structures of genomes of some Streptomycetes strains. Methods. NCBI tools (BLAST: blastn and bl2seq: megablast) and Internet NCBI databases (Genome, Nucleotide) were used for in silico analysis of the primary structure contigs of S. grlobisporus 1912-2. Results. A few strains with significant identity of their DNA primary structures to the nucleotide sequences of the chromosomal DNA of S. globisporus 1912-2 (identity 88–97 %) and a degree of query cover (55–82 %) were identified. Primary structures of genomes of the strains S. globisporus C-1027 and S. griseus NBRC13350 were chosen as most identical to the nucleotide sequence of the S. globisporus 1912-2 chromosomal DNA. No fragments with a homologous primary structure to seven S. globisporus 1912-2 contigs were found in Streptomycetes spp. from the NCBI databases. Conclusions. S. globisporus 1912-2 strain is a member of the S. griseus clade. We detected a high biosynthetic potential of the strain S. globisporus 1912-2 due to many unique nucleotide sequences.


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