Expression of small heat shock proteins in Pisum sativum L. under gravity altered conditions
small heat shock proteins, microgravity, hypergravity, etiolated seedlings, <em>Pisum sativum</em>Abstract
Altered gravity induces significant changes in the gene expression profiles of the plant cell, which are indicative of stress conditions. One of the molecular mechanisms of cell adaptation is synthesis of small heat shock proteins (sHsp). The sHsps are chaperones, and as such, they assist in the protein folding and prevent the irreversible protein aggregation. Aim. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of simulated microgravity (clinorotation) and hypergravity (centrifugation) on the sHsp genes expression in the etiolated pea seedlings. Methods. The gene expression was examined with the reverse transcription and real-time PCR. Results. The qPCR results demonstrated that the altered gravity conditions do not change the expression of sHsp genes which belong to the subfamilies of different subcellular localization – cytosolic-nuclear Pshsp 17.1-CII and Pshsp18.1-CI, plastid – Pshsp26.2-P, endoplasmic reticulum – Pshsp22.7-ER and mitochondrial – Pshsp22.9-M. Conclusions. The relative qPCR results demonstrate that altered gravity and temperature elevation have different effects on the sHsp genes: unlike high temperature, altered gravity does not lead to the denaturation of cell proteins and, therefore, does not modulate the sHsp genes expression.References
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