Current scenario on computer-aided metalloenzymes designing
metalloenzymes designing, methanogens, evolutionary conservationAbstract
The metalloenzymes are proteins with enzymatic activity which contain metals tightly bound in their active sites to display a chemical action. This review describes the recent developments and success of using computational methods and algorithms for designing industrial enzymes. A recent approach based on functional amino acids or peptides as characteristic molecular moieties and their conservations, has led to a significant expansion of the field of enzyme designing or enzyme mimics. Evolutionary conservation is accounted to consider designing enzymes while the metalloenzymes are a major concern due to their extensive role in catalytic activity and stability. The enzymes from methanogens may provide useful biocatalysts and may be even more valuable for biotransformation reactions, but their biotechnological applications are restricted. Therefore, a method based on the evolutionary hypothesis of conserved domain of sequences obtained from methanogens would make a significant interest in synthetic enzyme biotechnology.References
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