Expression patterns of genes that regulate lipid metabolism in prostate tumors


  • G. V. Gerashchenko Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine 150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680 Author
  • O. A. Kononenko National Cancer Institute 33/43, Lomonosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022 Author
  • Yu. M. Bondarenko State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine» 9-a, Yu. Kotsubyns'koho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 Author
  • E. O. Stakhovsky National Cancer Institute 33/43, Lomonosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022 Author
  • V. I. Kashuba Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine 150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; Karolinska Institutet Stockholm SE-171 77, Sweden Author



prostate tumors, relative gene expression, lipid metabolism, pharmacological markers


Aim. To assess relative expression (RE) levels of genes involved in lipid metabolism in prostate tumors. To define clinically significant specific alterations on the basis of the expression pattern. Methods. RE levels were analyzed in 37 samples of prostate cancer tissues by quantitative RT-PCR. The tumors were of a different Gleason score (GS) and various stages; the paired conventionally normal prostate tissue (CNT) samples and 20 samples of prostate adenomas were also analyzed. Results. Increased RE levels of FASN and COX2 were found in an adenocarcinoma group and in adenocarcinomas with GS=7 compared to the adenoma group. Four genes, namely FASN, LDLR, HMGCR and COX2, demonstrated significant RE alterations in the adenocarcinoma groups at different stages compared to the adenoma and CNT groups. Expression of three genes (LDLR, HMGCR, COX2) showed a negative correlation with stage and GS in the adenocarcinoma group. For FASN, LDLR, HMGCR, several positive correlations of RE with levels of the epithelial cell markers were found. CPT1C and COX2 demonstrated positive correlations of RE with expression of mesenchymal, fibroblast and inflammation markers in the adenocarcinoma group. Conclusions. The studied genes controlling lipid metabolism showed differential RE in prostate cancer samples. RE levels of FASN, HMGCR and COX2 might be used as markers of sensitivity and efficacy of inhibitory drugs. Further studies are needed to confirm these data in a larger patient cohort.


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Molecular Biomedicine