DNA synthesis in the hybrids of macrophages and various cells with limited proliferative potential


  • Ye. E. Yegorov Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Author
  • R. R. Gumeniuk Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Author
  • I. A. Prudovsky Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Author
  • A. V. Zelenin Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, USSR Author




Macrophages from mouse peritoneal cavites were fused with various cells with the limited capasity to proliferative: human and rat embryo fibroblasts, rat chondrocytes, mouse macrophage precursors. DNA synthesis was studied radioautographically. In any case DNA synthesis was not detected in the macrophage nucleus in heterokaryons. This result and some previous data gave a reason to believe that only proliferatively immortal cells are able to reactivate DNA synthesis after fusion with nondividing differentiated cells. It is possible that this ability is determined by the activity of immortalising oncogenes. No inhibition of DNA synthesis in the nuclei of active cells in heterokaryons was observed. This suggests that the maintenance of macrophagcs in non-proliferating state is not connected with the production of intracellular negative regulators of proliferation.


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Cell Biology