Subcellular localization and activity of phosphorylase in parenchyma cells of Solanum tuberosum L. minitubers at clinorotation
The subcellular localization and the phosphorylase (EC activity in parenchyma cells of Solanum tuberosum L. (sv Adreta) minitubers have been investigated. The minitubers were formed in the stationary control and under influence of horizontal clinorotation, which imitated microgravity. The next methods used in the experiments: i) the method of sterial culture of miniplants, ii) electronic cytochemical method, and iii) biochemical methods for the determination of carbohydrates content, phosphorylase activity, and isoenzyme composition of phosphorylase. It is established that clinorotation does not influence the subcellular localization of phosphorylase and the electrophoretic mobility of phosphorylase isoforms; however, the clinorotation increases the phosphorylase activity and starch content in potato storage organs.References
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