Genetic determination of dissociation process of poliovirus type III


  • I. G. Kostenko Bogomolets National Medical University Blvd. Shevchenko, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • E. V. Zhuravel Bogomolets National Medical University Blvd. Shevchenko, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • G. V. Panasenko Bogomolets National Medical University Blvd. Shevchenko, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author
  • V. P. Shirobokov Bogomolets National Medical University Blvd. Shevchenko, 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 Author



The variants of a vaccine virus strain of a poliomyelitis type III have been proved to occur in the course of reproduction in cell culture, and have differences in nucleotide sequences of a gene VP1. It has been demonstrated, that in variant Abent+ the nucleotide adenine occupies position 2900, and in variant Abent- - guanine. Accordingly, in the structure of protein VP1 an aspartic acid replaces asparagines in position 142, the former influencing the charge and conformation of virion surface proteins.


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