Analysis of the kinetic scheme for the protein synthesis elongation stage within hypothesis on the stereospecific stabilization of the codon-anticodon complexes by ribosome. 1. The rate of polypeptide chain elongation


  • A. P. Potapov Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Kiev, USSR Author
  • B. N. Goldstein Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Pushchino, Moscow Region, USSR Author
  • S. R. Saifullin Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Pushchino, Moscow Region, USSR Author
  • A. V. Elskaya Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Kiev, USSR Author



A kinetic analysis of a steady-state polypeptide chain elongation is presented based on the hypothesis of stereospecific stabilization of the codon-anticodon complexes by ribosome during aa-tRNA selection and translocation stages. Equations have been obtained describing the dependence of the elongation rate on concentrations of aa-tRNA, aa-tRNA·EF-Tu·GTP complex, EF-Tu·GTP and EF-G·GTP complexes.


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