A novel gene RED1, which controls riboflavin biosynthesis and ferrireductase activity in Pichia guilliermondii yeast
The red1 mutant of Pichia guilliermondii yeast with high reducing activity for threephenyltetrasolium chloride (TTC) has been selected using solid synthetic medium with TTC. The data obtained demonstrate several p/ienotypes of mutant cells with: a) increased level of riboflavin biosynthesis, b) enhanced ferrireductase and GTP-cyclohydrolase activity, c) higher non-hem in iron content, d) hyper-sensitivity to copper. All these properties are defined by one mutant allele red. Genetic studies indicated that red1 is not allelic to previously identified hit I, rib80 and rib81 mutations with similar properties, in the double mutant red1 and rib81, the production of riboflavin and the expression of GTP-cyclohydrolase is increased drastically, i. e. two genes act synergetically. Thus, the novel gene RED1 participates in the regulation of both riboflavin biosynthesis and ferrireductase activity. It is tempting to speculate this gene is involved in the iron and copper transport in Pichia guilliermondii yeast .References
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