Investigation of mode of inactivating effect on tabacco mosaic vims of the cellular components from sugar beet leaves
Investigation of the chemical nature and mode of action of the antiviral component (AVC) isolated from cellular juice of sugar beet leaves by ion-exchange chromatography have been conducted. It was established that inactivating ability for AVC is caused by effect of low-molecular weight proteins with proteolytic activity related to structural protein of TMV binding to RNA, givins rise to RNP-complex. Inactivation of TMV is a result of A VC-absorption on the viral particles surface, violation of morphology, aggregation of virus, and restriction of plant infection efficiency. Inhibition of trans-criptional activity of viral RNA and protein synthesis, cytophysiological reconstruction into TMV infected cells, probably, limit the replication and systemic transport of virus, that is displyed in symptomless TMV-infection of sugar beet plants.References
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