Biopolym. Cell. 1988; 4(4):220-222.
Short Communications
Synthesis of arginine-containing oligonucleotide-(5'→N)-peptides
1Zarytova V. F., 1Ivanova E. M., 2Yarmolyuk S. N., 2Alekseeva I. V.
  1. Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    Novosibirsk, USSR
  2. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
    Kiev, USSR


A new method for synthesis of oligonucleotide-peptides of phosphoamide type with the use of a mixture of triphenylphosphine, dipyridyldisulphide and N-methylimidazole is suggested. This approach was applied for synthesizing and isolating d(CCCC)-5'-P-Pro-Arg-Val-OMe.


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