Biopolymers and cell. 2011; 27 (1): 25 - 35
Genetic and epigenetic changes of genes on chromosome 3 in human urogenital tumors
V. V. Gordiyuk
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine
150, Akademika Zabolotnogo St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680
Numerous disorders of genes and alterations of their expression are observed on a short arm of human chromosome 3, particularly in 3p14, 3p21, 3p24 compact regions in epithelial tumors. These aberrations affect the key biological processes specific for cancerogenesis. Such genes or their products could be used for diagnostics and prognosis of cancer. Genetical and epigenetical changes of a number of genes on chromosome 3 in human urogenital cancer, their role in cellular processes and signal pathways and perspectives as molecular markers of cancer diseases are analyzed in the review
Keywords: human chromosome 3, tumor suppressor genes, DNA methylation, microRNA, urogenital cancer, molecular oncomarker.