Biopolymers and cell. 2008; 24 (3): 246 - 252
Effect of bacterial consortium on oxidative stress in soybean plants in cadmium-contaminated soil
I. E. Zaets, N. O. Kozyrovska
Different mechanisms of heavy metal resistance operate in soy-bean at different concentrations of cadmium in soil. For instance, at 10 times excess of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of cadmium the oxidative burst in soybean roots is more prolonged, and mainly glutathion-S-transferase contributes to overcoming the stress. At the same time guaiacolperoxidase and phenols play major role in reducing toxicity of cadmium at 100 excess of MPC, while the contribution of glutathion-S-transferase is deminished. The bacteria of consortium inhibit the activity of peroxidase and in this way elevate H2O2 concentration during oxidative burst which results in strengthening expression of the genes of glutathion-S-transferase and enzymes of phenilpropanoid metabolism and iire effective overcoming of the stress by plants.
Key words: bacterial consortium, Glycine max. L., heavy metals, oxidative stress, glutathion-S-transferase, guaiacol- peroxidase, soluble phenols.