Biopolymers and cell. 2002; 18 (2): 91 - 95



Construction and selecthion strains Streptomyces peucetius subsp. caesius ACC 27952-2 wi elevated DXR production


L. P. Dubitska, V. O. Fedorenko


Genes cpx and dnrl (encode P-450 enzyme that hydroxilize daunorubicin (DNR) converting it to doxorubicin (DXR) and transcription activator, respectively) leukaemomycin biosynthesis gene cluster of S. griseus were cloned in multicopy pIJ486 under control of strong promoter not (from noursethricin resistance gen noursei) and introduced into strains S. peucetius subsp. caesius ACC 27952-2 a TK24. 48-hous old cultures of strains 279S2-2 (pIJ486cpx dnrl), TK24 (pIJ486cpx dnrl DNRr-mutants of strain 27952-2 synthesize DXR from exogenously added DNR. In s 27952-2 pJJ486cpx dnrl production of antracydines, DNR and DXR was increased. Although guantity of converted DNR and concentration of P-450 hydroxylase was highest in DNRr-mutants of strain 27952-2. Thus, resistance of DNRr-mutants to DNR depends not only on functioning of res gene but also on conversion of more toxic for given strain compound (DNR) to I (DXR). It allows to obtain more valuable antibiotic from its Intermediate.