Biopolymers and cell. 2001; 17 (1): 70 - 77



Conception of multibiosensor for determination of different toxic substances based on the enzyme inhibitor analysis


V. N. Arkhipova, S. V. Dzyadevich, O. N. Schuvailo, A. P. Soldatkin, A. V. Etskaya, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, H. Jaffrezic, C. Martelet


A conception of an enzyme multisensor for the determination of toxic substances based on the enzyme inhibitor analysis has been proposed and a principal possibility of its creation has been shown. For the development of such system two types of transducers, such as potentiometric pff-sensitive field-effect transistors and conduc-tometric thin-films interdigitated electrodes, and three enzymes, namely urease, acetylcholinesterase and butyrulcholinesterase have been used. The experimental data have been treated by the multivariate data processing based on the discriminant function analysis and artificial neural net. The full procedure of the toxic components determination has been proposed and its advantages have been discussed.