Biopolymers and cell. 2001; 17 (1): 20 - 28
Molecular and genetic aspects of external and internal colonization plants by beneficial bacteria
N. O. Kozyrovska
Colonization of plants with the beneficial bacteria is critical for successful application of inoculants, and study of molecular mecha¬nisms of plant bacteria interactions is in progress. The characters of bacteria, concerning their rhizosphere competence (motility, growth rate, selfsupply with amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, etc) do their advantage in competition for survival in the rhizosphere. Exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides also play role during plant-bacteria interaction. Information, concerning current state of knowleage of genetic determination and regulation of factors that specify the rhizosphere and endophytic colonization of plants with bacteria promising for practice, presented in review.