Biopolymers and cell. 1998; 14 (3): 246 - 251
Study of iodination mechanism of 5'-O-prolecled pyrimidine Hucleosides in Arbuzov reaction conditions
V. C. Kostina, A. S. Shalamoy, L. S. Vsenko, V. A. Gladkaya
Tlw mechaflism of iodination of C2- and C3-atoms of ribofuranose In pyrimidine nudeosides in conditions of Arbuzov reaction have been studied. Intermediate 2'- and 3''-quaziphosphonium salts where, shown, to be involved in further intramolecular nudeophilic reac¬tions, the resulting 2',3'-diiododerivative being deiodinated and transformed into correspondent 2',3'-didehydro-2'-3'-dideoxynuc-leosides.