Biopolymers and cell. 1998; 14 (2): 152 - 155



A comparative study of carbohydrate component of hen and human glycophorins


T. V. Stasyk, H. Krotkiewski1, M. D. Lutsik-Kordovsky


Sialoglycoproteins (SGPs) from plasma membranes of hen red blood cells were isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE and their carbohydrate composition and some immunochemical properties were investigated and compared with that of human glycophorin A. It was shown, that two principal SGPs with molecular weights of 28 kDa and 55 kDa are monomeric and dimeric forms of the same molecule and are immunochemically closely related. The amount of carbohydrate component consists about 33 % of molecular mass (in human glycophorin A it is 52.3 %). The analysis of monosaccharide composition of hen SGPs indicates, that they possess O-linked and N-linked oiigocaccharide chains. In comparison with human glycophorin A hen SGPs have a higher amount of N-glycosidic chains and lower amount of O-giycosidic chains, the last are tentatively of more branched structure.