Biopolymers and cell. 1997; 13 (5): 408 - 415
A new retroviral vector system based on the duck-adapted variant of Pr-RSV-C with the extended host ranger
/. V. Kaida, L. A. Tsyba, P. N. Boltovets, V. I. Kashuba
We have constructed retroviral vector td da Pr-RSV-C e and helper virus td da Pr-RSV-C e'PS'Neo based on the duck-adapted variant of Pr-RSV-C with the extended host ranger and its transformation-defective mutant- To decrease the risk of transducing cell pro-looncogencs, E-eiement, supposedly involved in this process, was deleted. In order to obtain helper cell line the QT6 cells have been transfected by helper phis mid p td da Pr-RSV-C e'PS~Neo. Packaging cells produce viral proteins, including p27gag, but intact helper virus is not detectable in reverse trans criptaxe assay.