Biopolymers and cell. 1995; 11 (6): 62-68
The effect of "medium-sized-peptides" of serum on chromatin structure and tamplet activity
The effect of serum "medium-sized-peptides" on RNA and DNA synthesis and chromatin binding in isolated cortical neurones was investigated. Peptides were purified from the serum of individuals exposed to radioactivity following the Chemobil accident. It was showed that peptides inhibited RNA and DNA synthesis and altered nucleosomal and supranucleosomal chromatin structure according to test with DNAse II. MSP bound chromatin DNA in cooperative manner, an average /Cass is 36 g/ml and Hill's coefficient is 3,8. About four can bind with one nucleosome. Binding of peptides with free DNA is not cooperative, but with about the same Kass.