Biopolymers and cell. 1993. Volume 9. 2. 24 - 61




Genofond State — Formulation of Criteria




    The concept of genofond initially arose in connection with tasks of selection in agriculture and foreseed preservation of rare and vanishing species as their single representatives. In recent days the question of human genofond preservation arose. However, the term of genofond concerning human has to have qualitatively another meaŽning-totality of genomes of all humans but not those separate persons. This requires speŽcial analysis and, as element of such general analysis, a prognosis of genofond state. For evaluation of genofond state and for prognosis of its change it is necessary to forŽmulate suitable criteria. There three components of genofond state evaluation are formulaŽted: 1) demographycal; 2) ecological; 3) genetical. In genetical component (genofond state per se) there three criteria are distinguished. These criteria are subdivided in subcriteria. 1. Balance criterium of genetical component with variants: - 1.1. Mutationally equilibrated genofond state; 1.2. Mutationally nonequilibrated genofond state (1.2.1. — nonequilibrated mutation-accumulating state; 1.2.2.— nonequilibrated mutation-clearing state). 2. Mutational iceberg criterium, including: 2.1. The state of system, clearing genome from mutations; 2.2. The structure of mutational iceberg. 3. Criterium of mutational succeptibility: 3.1. The level of antimutational resistance; . 3.2. The level of elevated mutational succeptibility; 3.3. The level of mutational self-start (self-moment). On the basis of offred construction it is performed the detailed analysis of Ukrainian population genofond state and of prognosis of its development. It is noted, that taking into account available (mostly indirect) data, anxious situŽation is forming and that the prognosis, as such, is giving no grounds for optimism.