Biopolymers and cell. 1991. Volume 7. № 5. 28 - 33
Both Elongation Factors EF-Tu and EF-G Can Affect a Capacity of Escherichia coli 70S Ribosomes to Translate Poly(dT)
To elucidate the question whether the elongation factors influence the specificity of the ribosorae to a template sugar structure, the effect of EF-Tu and/or EF-G on the ability of Escherichia coll 70S ribosomes to translate poly(U) or poly(dT) was investigated. Both elongation factors appeared to suppress poly(dT) translation observed in their absence under certain magnesium ion concentrations. Antibiotic neomycin promoted effectively poly(dT) translation in the presence not only of both factors but of EF-Tu alone (in contrast to EF-G) as well. The results presented suggest that tRNA interaction with the ribosomal A site is mainly responsible for the specificity of the 70S ribosomes to a template sugar structure as well as ribosomal specificity to neomycin action.